Santaji Gade

Instrumentation blogger!! Illuminating complex concepts with clarity. Exploring the nexus of technology and education.
Level Measurement

Basics of Level Measurement, Working Principle and Types

  Basics of Level Measurement Level measurement is a crucial technique employed to measure the surface level within tanks, reactors, or vessels. Ensuring the safety and profitability of industrial processes,

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Temperature Measurement

What is a Temperature Transmitter?

  What is a Temperature Transmitter? Let’s dive into the world of temperature transmitters! 🌡️ A temperature transmitter is a crucial electronic device used to accurately convert signals from various

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Level Measurement

How does an Ultrasonic Level Transmitter work?

  How does an Ultrasonic Level Transmitter work? The ultrasonic level transmitter is a preferred option for measuring water levels in open sumps, as it is a non-contact type of

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Temperature Measurement

Basics of Thermocouples and RTD

  Basics of Thermocouples and RTD Thermocouples What are Thermocouples? Thermocouples are sensors used to measure temperature. They work based on the principle that when two different metals are joined

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